By Tara Tosten & Kelly Rorvik

Hallie O'Ween

Hallie O’Ween is the shyest child in her village. She is even too scared to go out and join the harvest festival at the end of every October. This year becomes much different after a goblin breaks into her house and tries to steal her favorite dress. What will Hallie do? What she does will change everything about October 31!

As the goblin sneaks through the window, Hallie, despite her fear, finds herself standing up to protect her home. With a mix of courage she never knew she had and a bit of quick thinking, she tricks the goblin into retreating. But when the village is threatened by a dark force that only Hallie knows about, she realizes she may be the only one who can stop it. Her bravery grows as she sets out on a daring adventure, proving that even the shyest heart can be the strongest when it matters most.

 - Hallieoween - Children’s picture Books and Early Readers - Harvest festival | Music for harvest festival | Theoweens

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 - Hallieoween - Children’s picture Books and Early Readers - Harvest festival | Music for harvest festival | Theoweens

Hallie O'Ween Ages 6+

 - Hallieoween - Children’s picture Books and Early Readers - Harvest festival | Music for harvest festival | Theoweens
Hallie O’Ween is the shyest child in her village. She is even too scared to go out and join the harvest festival at the end of every October. This year becomes much different after a goblin breaks into her house and tries to steal her favorite dress. What will Hallie do? What she does will change everything about October 31 !

Hallie O'Ween Early Ages 0-6

 - Hallieoween - Children’s picture Books and Early Readers - Harvest festival | Music for harvest festival | Theoweens

Hallie and her brother Hal along with their spider friend Bumpkin and wolf friend Howler travel around the world chasing goblins and bringing candy, Halloween bags and costumes to everyone. Trick or Treat!

Hal O'Ween Ages 0-4

 - Hallieoween - Children’s picture Books and Early Readers - Harvest festival | Music for harvest festival | Theoweens
Hallie and her brother Hal along with their spider friend Bumpkin and wolf friend Howler travel around the world chasing goblins and bringing candy, Halloween bags and costumes to everyone. Trick or Treat!

Hallie O'Ween Coloring Book

 - Hallieoween - Children’s picture Books and Early Readers - Harvest festival | Music for harvest festival | Theoweens

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